A-frames popularly known as Sandwich Boards are a versatile inexpensive side-walk signage.
Graphic size: 23.5 x 33.5 Snap aluminum stand A frame sandwich poster board. This Double Side poster frame is light weight and easy to change graphics. Recommended for indoor advertisement.
A-frames are a very versatile portable signage for outdoor for directions, increases traffic and walk-in traffic for front-end stores. They are ideal for businesses to place on the sidewalk, store fronts or on lawn and get exposure.
Aframes are also ideal as real estate signs, very common that we all see in day-to-day agent life how easy to pack them up and move them from property to property as you go. Portable and affordable - a great sign choice.
At ElectraColour we have various A Frames to suit you
We have the most extensive range of options, from light-weight PVC T-Boards to large A-frames with wheels for easy handling. Also available in custom-designed A-Frame signs. A Frame signs and Sandwich Boards are made of Metal, PVC or Plywood and available in various sizes.
Interchangeable corflute/coroplast or composite panels you can change your messages, specials, or promotions when required. Bases are generally plastic, which is hollow (to be filled with water or sand) or solid heavy rubber to stop the wind blowing them around.
Street Barriers - Hollow aluminum frame allow for easy movement around busy thorough fares. These include a banner allowing for either vinyl or digitally printed graphics. Perfect for street cafes and restaurants.
Other similar solutions are T-Boards (round or rectangular base) which come with either Aluminum or PVC panels.